RIALP SUMMER AGILITY CUP 2024 is now history. 365 days of work, intense organisation and preparation and a July of 200% stress to have all the logistics and preparations ready. Every year we have more participants and this makes the work multiply. The rain has not made an appearance but the strong gusts of wind just before the start of the Team Open on Friday made me make the decision to cancel the most festive and fun event of Rialp. The decision was not easy but the safety of dogs and guides was the decisive factor. Risk 0. An hour later the wind stopped but the decision was the right one. We have enjoyed a Grand Final Junior and the GRAND FINAL as planned. A GRAND FINAL that sums up all the previous preparation work, music and organisation to make it spectacular. The stands and the surroundings of the track full of people eager to see and experience the spectacle, with a magnificent atmosphere and eager to dance and enjoy during the track changes. Simply AMAZING! It was definitely the best Rialp Summer Agility Cup ever.
More than 400 dogs each day in the RSCE/FCI competitions, 220 in the Individual Open. Saturday was the most intense day, 470 dogs in the morning plus the finals. 17 HOURS of almost non-stop work.
Huge THANKS to all the STAFF of the Club d’Agility Ciutat Comtal, Mains of Rings, Judge Assistants, ring teams, for many of you it was the first time you came to this madness and you have been giving your all under the sun, always with a smile so that all the competitors felt at home, solving all the problems that arose. WE DID IT AGAIN!
THANKS to main tent, Rosa, Judit and Arantxa.
THANKS to our veterinarian Alicia for her work.
THANKS to all the participants who have been with us from Portugal, France, Monaco, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Luxembourg, Ireland and from Spain, Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, Euskadi, Aragon, Madrid, Andalusia, Valencia, Balearic Islands and Catalonia, without your participation RIALP would not make sense.
THANKS to the companies and people who have collaborated and have been present with their stands and who we hope will repeat next year. Our masseur EDU CASTILFORTE, EL ARTE DE CORRER (Mary), VIDA PERRA (the best extra virgin olive oil), PER PELUTS (Oriol), the LA LIONESA bakery in Sort (Jordi), ARTESANÍA EL NOGUERAL (Ana), AIGUADICCIÓ RAFTING RIALP (Núria).
Thanks to Ariel for the streaming.
But this great competition would not be possible without the complicity and help of the Rialp Town Hall for giving us the magnificent football field and surroundings and to the Lleida Provincial Council, Patronat de Turisme for their unconditional support.
THANK YOU to flowagility for being able to manage the starting orders, results, etc. in an easy, agile and real-time way.
THANK YOU to our super judges (they made it very easy for us), Sari Mikkilä, Thora Van der Stock, Lorenzo Buzon, Carlo Fazio, Mark Fonteijn and Nicolas Begué.
Above all to my couple ARANTXA who has put up with me, supported me and above all helped me at all times, before, during and after the competition without rest and coordinating many jobs at the same time in complicated moments, every day I LOVE YOU MORE.
Now it’s time to rest, see where we have failed and how to improve. From September onwards, preparations for the RIALP SUMMER AGILITY CUP 2025, the Club’s special 25th anniversary edition, will begin. You have made RIALP the best competition in Southern Europe. THANK YOU, THANK YOU.


Rialp is a small village located in the Catalan Pyrenees at 725 mt altitude, in the center of the Pallars Sobirà area.
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The Rialp Summer Agility Competition will have an official RSCE / FCI part and an Open part
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Campers & caravans can stay in front of the football field where the agility competition will take place.
Hotels and Campings are within 10 minutes from the venue
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Judges for 2025